Open Loop Scrubbers

Instead of being re-used, the process water is discharged directly back to sea while complying fully to the IMO regulations. Optionally the seawater can be pumped through a water treatment system to remove all solids and oil. Detailed information can be found in our brochure.

How does it work?

  • • The seawater (process water) is NOT re-circulated but discharged back to sea.
  • • The sulphur in the exhaust gases dissolves in the process water.
  • • The process water is pumped through a water treatment system and discharged back to sea.
  • • Solids and oil from the process water are led to the separator.
  • • This separator will separate solids and oil from the process water.
  • • The remaining sludge is pumped to the sludge storage tank on the ship.
  • • The process water removed from solids and oil will be discharged back to sea.
  • • The pH, turbidity and concentration of PAH are constantly measured in accordance with MARPOL Annex VI resolution MEPC.184 (59).
  • • The clean exhaust gases exit the scrubber, removed from sulphur and particles, through a demister.